Fiery Aries Season

Happy astrological New Year! Aries Season brings us a fresh start, the newness of spring, and also, eclipse season and Mercury Retrograde, but don’t panic! Remember that these energies are here for our highest good, so let’s explore them together.

Who is feeling fired up and ready to make some moves? If you are, it’s no surprise because the sun joined Mercury and the North Node in Aries at 11:07 pm EST on March 19th. This shift marks the fresh start of a new astrological year and a whole lot of Aries energy (with more to come).

If you look at the zodiac as a wheel, we collectively journey from one sun season to another in divine order. We take what we hopefully learned in the previous season and apply it to the next. There’s an inherent yin and yang in the flow of the seasons. Think of how we end the astrological year with dreamy, intuitive Pisces. If we take that time to tune into our highest self, our soul’s longings, our connection to the Divine and to all things, then we can infuse that wisdom into our Aries action.

Because Aries loves action.

Aries is a cardinal sign, which means it loves to start something new and initiate. Aries starts the spring season here in the northern hemisphere, and Spring brings us the promise of fresh growth and rebirth. It is a time to plant literal seeds. Aries is also a dynamic, energetic, and inspiring fire sign, that just so happens to be ruled by action planet Mars. Yeah, that’s a lot of get up and go energy!

When the sun moves into a sign, it represents a shift in our collective focus. Whether we have major placements in Aries or not, we will likely feel the fiery Aries vibes. Of course, the sun (and other planets) interact with our personal birth charts differently, but we’re going to focus on the collective energy here.

So on March 19th, the sun entered Aries and joined Mercury there. Mercury rules our communication and mindset, and Mercury in Aries is a fast-talker, a get to the point, a little bit of what’s in it for me kind of energy. And then, the North Node of future destiny is ALSO in Aries, so collectively we are feeling called to align with our soul and what we are truly being called to do, learn, or create in this lifetime. No big deal.

One of the greatest gifts from Aries is the reminder to embrace your true self, march to the beat of your own drum, and go your own way regardless of what people think. I say this is a gift because, if you’re aligned with your soul and your truest most authentic expression of self, then not only is it the greatest gift you can give yourself, but it is also the greatest gift you can give your loved ones, your community, and the collective. When you shine in your full radiant light and share your unique gifts with the world, you’re doing everyone a service.

We’re collectively being called to tune into this soul-aligned action energy. What is your soul yearning to create? What is your highest self calling for you to start?

The cosmos say do it. The cosmos are telling you it’s okay to start. In fact, you’re encouraged to start! That said, it might be a good idea to start small and take it one step at a time (Aries is not inherently good at this), because we have some disruption in energies coming later in the season.

On March 22nd, action-planet Mars enters dreamy Pisces. I like this placement during this time because collectively we will likely feel more motivated by our highest purpose, our spirituality, and our interconnectedness. If we can use this energy to tune into our imaginations and our innate divinity, then the action we take will be soul-aligned and divinely guided, rather than action just for action’s sake.

On March 25th, holy moly, we've got a big one, a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra. Full Moons are generally about endings, both celebrations and releases. Eclipses amplify that energy. They can be intense, disruptive, and destabilizing as the moon’s light is literally being blocked out; however, the changes they bring, again, are for our highest good. Somethings need disruption! Libra rules our relationships, as well as love, beauty, balance, harmony, and justice. The ways in which your relationships are in or out of balance may be highlighted. How can you bring more balance and harmony to your relationships? Where are you overgiving or people-pleasing? Are you giving from an empty cup, and are you pissed about it? Anger can be an indicator that things are out of balance or out of alignment. Sometimes it’s our own behavior that needs to change. Sometimes not.

Additionally, there’s a theme of justice with this eclipse. It’s no secret of the injustices in our world, of the atrocities that are occurring in places like Sudan, Congo, Palestine, and even here in the US. How can we affect positive change? How can we bring peace, balance, and harmony to my personal lives and to the whole?

On April 1st, we have the last quarter moon in Capricorn, reminding us to clear out blocks that are keeping us from our goals and aims. It’s a good time to identify and release what isn’t serving you so you can move toward your soul’s goals. And then, of course, and I promise this isn’t an April Fool’s joke, but on April 1st, Mercury stations retrograde. I know I am an optimist, but I promise even Mercury Retrograde serves a higher purpose.

During this retrograde period, yes there may be delays, disruptions, and frustrations, but can you infuse a little humor into these situations? Mercury is a bit of a trickster so if you can find the levity in his antics, I promise it’ll be less annoying. Mercury Retrograde reminds us to review, reflect, and revise. It reminds us to take a beat and to pause because we may not (and probably don’t) have all the information yet. If you stop and reassess, it’ll likely save you from having to redo things later once everything is clear.

But wait, aren’t we feeling all this action Aries energy though? Yep, yin and yang, baby. Mercury will be the only planet in retrograde at this time, so there are still a lot of green lights from the universe. However, I recommend trying to stay aware of the mishaps and any delays and to tune into whether this action or this thing can wait. Is this action grounded? Do I have all the information? Can I take one step instead of 12, just in case more information comes to light down the line?

Venus, the planet of love, money, values, and desires, enters passionate Aries on April 5th. Collectively, we might be getting more excited and placing more value on the things that light us each up (sensing a theme here?). It’s a beautiful time to get excited about our new ventures and creations. It’s also a lovely time to focus on embodying our true selves and stepping into our power as a leader.

On April 8th, we’ll have a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries. This eclipse places an even greater emphasis on the self, on who we are meant to be, on who are soul is calling us to be. Are there gifts I am longing to share? Are there blocks that are only in my head? How can I be my truest most authentic self? Where am I being called to lead? This eclipse is influenced by the North Node of future destiny, which encourages us to align our actions with our soul’s longings. It is also influenced by Chiron, the wounded healer. We all have deep wounds and tender spots that may have been holding us back from taking action and from stepping into our power. This eclipse has the potential to remove those blocks. You may even feel called to help heal others in the ways you have healed yourself.

Eclipses are BIG ENERGY, and these ones have big players influencing them, so there’s no need to “work” with this energy. I recommend tuning in, grounding, getting into nature if you can, and surrendering to the flow of what comes up for you remembering it’s for your highest good (another theme!).

We have a First Quarter Moon in sensitive, nurturing Cancer on April 15th. First quarter moons are also generally a time to take action. You’ve thought about it, you’ve cleared blocks, now it’s time to take another step forward. Tune into your own feelings and let go of the feelings that aren’t yours.

WHEW. That’s a lot, but you’ve got this.

Remember to tune into your intuition and your soul’s whispers (or shouts!). Only you know what is best for you, and you are being supported now in finding out what that is. That isn’t to say, forget about others, because we’re all connected and relationships are also highlighted at this time. Remember that it’s not selfish to embrace and share what lights you up. When you do so, it’ll serve those around you as well.

And of course, take what resonates with you and forget the rest. The planets are here to help guide us not control us.

If you want a little extra support, check out our fiery Aries Ritual HERE


Dreamy New Moon in Pisces